Sunday, February 23, 2020

Asbestos exposure from the World Trade Center disaster Research Paper

Asbestos exposure from the World Trade Center disaster - Research Paper Example f the World Trade Towers (WTC) following the aftermath of the 9-11 terrorist attacks, which was one of the most catastrophic kind of political, economic, and the social disaster to have ever occurred in America. Working as a consultant at the Acme Industrial Consultants, the task involved was to conducting air samples to find out on the toxins found on the air after this attack. Since 2001, many people exposed to this debris and the dust from the events of the collapse of towers are still suffering from various health complications, ranging from the difficulty in breathing and extending into different forms of cancer. In response to these effects, our research team sampled asbestos products that are responsible for causing deadly toxins, including mercury and barium (Landrigan et al., 2004). The events of the 9-11 attack caused the building and debris to burn for nearly four months, leading to the release of carcinogens into the air that made it inevitable for the citizens who ended up getting infections with the deadly diseases like mesothelioma and lung cancer. Meosthelioma, even though a rare disease, occurs through the exposure to asbestos (Herdt-Losavio et al., 2008). This prompted the Acme Industrial Hygiene Consultants into studying the air samples from the World Trade Centre that have been subject to expose to the burning of asbestos. In order to sample results of the study, we chose to use the World Trade Centre data, instead of using an AIHA Statistical Spreadsheet for assessing health risk of asbestos in the air samples obtained from the World Trade Centre. The sampling was subject to accomplish through modeling, characterization and communication. The test then enhanced EPA asbestos health risk assessment by the aid of non-linear and asbestos fiber type specific protocols. The study was to follow by evaluating on the epidemiological data as to be forming the basis of risk assessment model. The following are results from using the World Trade Centre

Friday, February 7, 2020

Research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Research Paper Example The poor usually undergo a lot of stress, which lead to change of eating habits; they eat more while bored and angered. In conclusion, obesity can be reduced among the poor if better living conditions are provided and inflation rates brought down. Introduction Obesity refers to a situation in which a human body accumulates a lot of fats that end up with adverse effects. Obesity is measured using the body mass index (BMI). Therefore, individuals are considered to be overweight when their body mass index is between 25 and 30, but any person whose BMI is above 30 is said to be obese. Normally, obesity is associated with too much consumption of calories accompanied by little amount of exercise. Additionally, several other factors are to contribute to obesity, for example, age, gender, medication, health conditions, and environmental factors, emotional and physical activities. It is evident that when people grow older their metabolic rates reduce; therefore, they should take different kin ds of food. Young people have a lot of energy to break down the calories, which is why obesity cases are rare among them as compared to those in their 40s. In terms of gender, research shows that women are prone to obesity than men (Sutton 2005). This is because men burn up a lot of calories while resting. It has also been established that when women reach menopause, they tend to gain more weight because they experience a decrease in their metabolic rate. Research also indicates that genetic makeup of an individual can contribute to obesity. If a person’s biological mother or father is heavy, there is about 75% probability of the sibling being overweight. This is unavoidable because one is born with those genes. With the changing lifestyles, people tend to eat a lot of junk food leading to them being overweight. Working schedules have interfered with the normal functioning of human bodies because many people seat for longer hours in the office. Emotional issues influence eati ng habits; emotionally disturbed individuals tend to eat a lot hence poorly manage their weight. Anger and boredom also believed to cause too much eating. Ill health can also cause obesity because of hormonal changes, which slowdown metabolism (Sutton 2005). Depression and some mental diseases can also lead to too much consumption of food. While, under medication, some individual can gain weight because of the drugs they are subjected to, for example, antidepressants and steroids. Obesity can be treated through physical exercises, using foods with low fat content and high fiber; a balanced diet is emphasized. Changes in lifestyles and reduction of psychological disturbances, as well as, taking medications can reduce obesity. Several negative effects are associated with obesity for instance high blood pressure, diabetes and disease of the heart. Moreover, cancer has been associated with obesity; uterus, breast and gallbladder cancer in women while prostate cancer in men. Because a lo t of weight exerts stress on the joints, the hips and knees suffer. Many people view that obese individuals are not attractive; therefore, they undergo stress because of rejection and criticism. Recently, it has been found out that the poor get obese too. Therefore, this paper seeks to identify the reasons behind obesity among the poor (Sutton 2005). Body Over the years, poverty is said to a major factor towards obesity. Inflation and high food prices will